Management Philosophy
At SCM we believe that a strong community is the best indication the management company and board are doing an excellent job. That's why Community is literally our middle name, we use the development of community as the guiding principle in every aspect of our management business.
Our Principles
- Provide excellent service
- Foster homeowner engagement
- Contain service contract cost
- Increase value of Board member time
- Consistently enforce covenants
- Be on-site
- Rapidly respond to homeowners issues
We provide services designed to make running an HOA less time consuming and expensive, while providing premium quality service. We use technologies like Webhall Meeting to make board member time more valuable and homeowner engagement easier and less costly. We believe in rigorous contract management through properly scopeing services, defining performance criteria then downstream management of services on the property. We believe in personally being in the neighborhood, meeting the homeowners, and managing face to face. We believe homeowner participation in the association creates better decisions and greater homeowner acceptance of the covenants.
We believe our management philosophy avoids homeowner conflict that can be extremely costly to an HOA, improves the grounds and grows property values. Let Stillwater turn your homeowners into neighbors and your neighborhood into a community.
Contact us, we would love to visit your next meeting